NLT Medical Group

Thigh Lift Surgery

Get detailed information about our thigh lift surgery in Turkey. You can contact us for all your questions.

Thigh lift surgery is typically performed to remove excess skin and fat from the thighs, often as a result of significant weight loss, aging, or other factors. It aims to reshape the thighs to achieve smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and the lower body.

Individuals who have lost a substantial amount of weight might find that they have loose or hanging skin on their thighs that doesn’t retract naturally. The same issue can occur as a part of the natural aging process, where the skin gradually loses its elasticity.

Aside from aesthetic reasons, a thigh lift surgery can also provide functional benefits. Excess skin can sometimes cause discomfort or chafing during physical activities. Removing this skin can make it more comfortable to move around, engage in physical activities, and wear clothing more comfortably.

Therefore, thigh lift surgery might be performed to not only enhance the aesthetic appearance of the thighs but also to improve the individual’s comfort and quality of life. It is a personal choice and individuals opt for it to feel better in their own bodies. It should be noted that thigh lift surgery is a significant procedure that comes with its own set of risks, and it is essential for individuals to discuss the potential benefits and downsides with a qualified healthcare provider.

How is Thighplasty Surgery Performed?

Thighplasty, or a thigh lift, is a procedure aimed at reshaping the thighs by eliminating excess skin and fat. Initially, a consultation with a surgeon is conducted to discuss goals, evaluate medical history, and plan the procedure. Patients receive pre-operative guidelines regarding diet, alcohol, smoking, and certain medications. On the surgery day, anesthesia is administered for comfort. During the procedure, incisions are made, commonly in the groin area extending downward to the knee along the inner thigh. Excess skin and fat are removed through these incisions using techniques like liposuction or excision. The surgeon then reshapes the remaining tissue for smoother contours before closing the incisions with sutures, skin adhesives, or tapes.

Who Can Have Thigh Reduction Surgery?

Thigh reduction surgery or thigh augmentation is usually suitable for adults who are in good health and have realistic expectations of what the surgery can achieve.

Individuals with stable weight: Those who have reached or are near their ideal weight and have maintained it for a considerable period.

People with excess soft tissue along the inner or medial thigh region and/or the outer thigh: Individuals who have significant loose skin or isolated pockets of fat in these areas are often ideal candidates for this surgery.

Individuals in good general health: The candidates should be free from any life-threatening illnesses or medical conditions that can impair healing.

Psychologically stable individuals: Candidates should have a positive outlook and realistic expectations regarding the outcomes of the surgery.

Individuals experiencing discomfort or chafing due to excess skin: Some people opt for this surgery to alleviate physical discomfort caused by excess skin in the thigh region, rather than for cosmetic. 

Thigh Lift in Turkey

The clinics in Turkey often offer all-inclusive packages that cover all aspects of the procedure, from preoperative consultations to post-operative recovery, including accommodation. Moreover, Turkey is home to a number of internationally accredited medical facilities and experienced surgeons.

Patients considering thigh lift surgery in Turkey should conduct a thorough research to find a reputable clinic and surgeon. It is advisable to look at the surgeon’s credentials, experience and comments from previous patients. 

One should also be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with the surgery and these should be discussed openly with the surgeon during the consultation. You can contact us for more detailed information about thigh lift surgery in Turkey

Thigh Lift Cost Turkey

The exact cost of a thigh lift procedure in Turkey varies depending on various factors such as the surgeon’s experience, the complexity of the procedure, additional services that may be included in the surgical package such as accommodation, transportation, etc.  

While not giving a specific price, Turkey offers more cost-effective solutions for plastic surgery compared to many Western European and North American countries. You can contact us for more detailed information about thigh lift surgery and prices.

Thigh lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure aimed at reshaping the thighs by reducing excess skin and, in some cases, fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body. It is especially beneficial for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss and are left with loose, excess skin. Ideal candidates are those who are at a stable weight, in good general health, and have realistic expectations about the outcome.