NLT Medical Group

How We Work?

Get detailed information about how we work step by step.

  • Free Consultation

    Our specialist doctors will prepare the treatment plan based on the information and reports you have sent, and then inform you.

  • Make an Appointment

    Your appointment will be arranged and we will assist you in arranging the necessary documents and flight tickets for your trip.

  • Your Treatment is Beginning

    Your tests with pre-operation preparation will be completed and your treatment will begin.

  • Happy Patients

    After your treatment, your periodic examinations and controls will continue.

Our Services

Professional Medical Staff

We are at your disposal with our professional team of doctors with many years of experience in this field.

Flight Reservation

We are at your disposal with the desired date and flight options.

Hotel and VIP Transfer

We are at your disposal with hotel options covering the features you require and VIP welcome and transfer options.

Package Tour

We are at your service with tour packages, guides and translators throughout Turkey.

Insurance Services

We offer travel health insurance and compications insurance services to our patients for their treatment.

Contracted Institutions
Özel Ballıpınar Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi
Orion Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi